Combining horticultural expertise with architectural innovation to offer you and your business an economically prosperous path towards sustainability and the reduction of your carbon footprint. 

With projects including Living Walls and Instant Gardens, Flora Fanatica will help transform your business into a pioneer of an emerging corporate world focused on the sustainability and the preservation of our way of life. 

The current situation:

During 2013, a line was crossed in human history – the number of people living in cities and towns exceeded those living in the countryside. The global population is rapidly becoming an urban population. Urban living brings many advances in quality of life to individuals, but also a number of significant drawbacks. Urban green infrastructure is considered a key component by policy makers in mitigating some of the disadvantages associated with urban living, and has significant potential to improve human well-being. Policy makers are keen to embrace opportunities to increase the area, access to and quality of urban green infrastructure to help address a range of social, economic, environmental and health objectives.

Flora Fanatica's solution:

Living Walls

Our company has developed an innovative and sustainable Green Wall system that will provide immense benefits to the Urban Environment. Research from both the scientific and business communities have stressed the need for an integrated and responsible approach to providing a cleaner greener living space for all.

The greening of towns and cities is a common priority throughout the world.
Architecture and Landscape Architecture are as one; as street level planting meets green walls and roofs.  Vertical space of the average towns’ buildings is at least double that of their foot print, so it's not surprising Green Wall installation is emerging as a huge market opportunity. 
In this immature market relatively few green wall systems have been developed, research has shown that they all suffer from functional problems, the most common of which results in dead unsightly patches which leads to costly repairs and maintenance. 
Designed by a plantsman the Flora Fanatica Green Wall system provides all the benefits of vertical greening with certainty and longevity. A unique fully integrated modular system supported by an innovative business model provides choice and versatility at a competitive price. 
The market is currently supplied with systems that tend to follow a similar pattern of small non-woody plants embedded into rigid containers. These containers are fixed to walls and structures and provide instant and beautiful appeal. However they have not produced the longer term benefits that many have hoped for.
Flora Fanatica’s unique approach ensures that the wall is a living wall with space to grow, using metered irrigation and feed for only 2 plants per trough. Our real differentiator is that we are allowing plants to grow within their natural sphere – from the ground upwards. Our living walls are growing walls designed to benefit the client for many years after their initial installation.
Our business model and approach is to work closely with each client to provide what they want from their green infrastructure project. Be it a focus on biodiversity, noise attenuation, air pollution mitigation, environmental heating and cooling savings or building material cost savings. Our integrated bespoke design system facilitates the collection, use and re-use of grey water to mitigate rainwater runoff and possible flood attenuation solutions.
We truly believe that greening the urban environment provides an effective and natural way to reduce the impact of urban living costs – that is social, environmental and economic costs.


Recent changes to the BREEAM Scheme should encourage more green roofs, green walls and landscape retrofitting of buildings. As organisations increase their knowledge of the beneficial effects of providing opportunities for bio diversity so the urban population will feel these benefits.


The charity MIND has long promoted the value of accessing green space in their drive to help people from developing mental health problems. In urban environments where the vertical space far exceeds the land mass use, the opportunity to provide increased greening with all its benefits could support the findings from this research. Could your buildings provide some of this much needed space?